This project supports communities where 85% of the population does not have access to healthcare facilities. The rate of girls and boys not finishing primary education is 70% and 55% respectively in these areas, whilst teen pregnancy rates stand at 45%.
The lack of health facilities, education, and stable income lead to an increase in poverty and environmental degradation. By providing healthcare access to remote areas and the opportunity to attend education at both primary and secondary level, Moyo aims to help shape a brighter future for over 3,000 individuals.
The project will keep more children in school by paying for term fees and by providing in kind support to the local schools. As more students complete their schooling, they will become empowered to make changes in their communities to shape a better future.
Until there is an appropriate medical infrastructure network in place, medical outreach clinics will continue to provide an essential service to many in need. These clinics improve the general health of community members alongside providing menstrual, nutritional, and sexual education and health hygiene, allowing for improved living standards and basis for further sustainable development. These outreaches also play a key role in promoting family planning and helping to prevent child marriage and Female Genital Mutilation.
All contributions go directly to projects and programs with minimal operation expenses. A donation of USD250 enables a clinic outreach event.