In the first week of August, many of the resident zebra and wildebeest have been filing down from the north-east conservancies and at 1:30pm on the 9th August, a large herd of zebra (from the Musiara side) attempted to cross over into the west Trans Mara. Later that same day, at approximately 2.30 pm, we witnessed an estimated 4-5000 zebra crossing for 45 minutes – they were heading from East to West at the main crossing point.
Zebra crossing into the Trans Mara – photo credit Rita Carton
On the 14th at 4.30pm, two large crossings of wildebeest and zebra crossed the Mara River, also at the main crossing and cul-de-sac points, and we even saw two wildebeest taken by crocodile.
The following morning at 6.25 am, the most beautiful pastel dawn opened to a new day, starting with a cool temperature of 14°C. Large herds of the Serengeti and resident wildebeests were seen on the Musiara grassland plains.
Pastel dawn sunrise over the Mara plains – photo credit Patrick Reynolds
Large herds seen on the Musiara plains – photo credit Moses Manduku
Many more resident wildebeest and zebra can be seen coming down from the north-east Masai land with large herds now being seen on the north end of the Bila Shaka riverbed. Topi Plains and Malima Tatu have a few herds of wildebeest and scattered herds of zebra – the grass levels are very short there.
Wildebeest herds on Bila Shaka Plains – photo credit Patrick Reynolds
Spotted Hyena activity has increased since these large herds of wildebeest arrived into the Musiara Marsh, and daily reports of lion and hyena sightings feeding off the wildebeest.
Spotted Hyena feeding on a yearling wildebeest kill – photo credit Patrick Reynolds
Elephant have really dispersed due to the large wildebeest herds and can now be seen in most grassland areas of the Musiara area. Elephant crossings the Mara River at the BBC site is a frequent occurrence now.
Elephant crossing the Mara River into the Musiara Marsh – photo credit Moses Manduku
Migration update provided by Patrick Reynolds, Manager at Il Moran Camp.